The Amazing Dr You
Everyone is worried about how good they look, how many calories we are eating, losing weight, what new miracle fad diet I can find to look good in a bikini?
What about if I told you, you could have it all? Not worrying about calories, lose weight, eat heaps and look and feel good in a bikini. If I could show you a different way to help create a new you but a healthy one, not a fad one, one that is about making changes that are lifelong. The great thing about health is we don’t have to figure it all out; your body does that for you. What you do need to give your body what is needs… most of the time (we don’t have to be perfect). And that is what I can share with you the secrets to what your body needs to be healthy, thriving and vibrant…which really aren’t secrets at all. The research about what we need to be well is there, it is just not being shared with you. And I want to change that.
So in terms of what we need to be nutritionally fit all we need to look at is what our body’s genetic requirements are. If you look at what are body is designed to be we can find the answers to what our body is designed to eat. From an evolutionary perspective we are hunters and gatherers which gives us many clues to our current lifestyle is making us so unwell. We are currently the sickest species on the planet.
If we are hunters and gatherers by design, what do you think our meals would have consisted of? If you think about it we would have mostly fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts when we were foraging so one the go, all fresh and we would have eaten meats when we caught it.
What we didn’t eat was grains and dairy which is what most of our diet consist of today. We didn’t have fields of grain to make bread and pasta, or cow farms to produce vast quantities of milk. We are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk after weaning and we drink milk that is not even from our species. Guess who decided that we needed 4-6 serves of dairy/day….The Dairy Industry! So the fact is our body is not designed to eat grains and dairy and it responsible for so much poor health in the world.
Don’t freak out!! What am I going to eat? I won’t suggest that you give up anything that you are not ready to give. What I will suggest is you start adding some stuff that is genetically good for your body and what happens then as you start to feel better, most people find they don’t want to eat the other stuff as much because they feel so much better by eating whole, healthy, naturally foods that our body knows what to do with and creates awesome health. The healthier you get the more you wont want to every give that up and you will start to love that good feeling more then you love a piece of bread :)
Starting Tips to creating a healthy, happy new you in three months!!
#1 ADD, DON’T TAKE AWAY…not yet, not until you feel ready. I don’t want you to give up anything yet. Not until you feel the difference and you are excited by fresh, whole food and cringe at a plate full of pasta because you know how you will feel after eating it. There easy…no pain, only gain (Health, not weight that is!!!!)
Whew…we can move on now. See you can trust me. I really meant you won’t have to do anything you don’t want to.
#2 EAT FRESH FOOD FIRST…this is how it works. The first part of each meal should be fresh and preferably raw and before you eat anything else. Remember the part where I said you won’t have to give up your breads, pasta, rice or sweets. This is it. Eat what you would normally eat but start every meal with one or two serves of fresh, raw fruit or veggies. Starting with a salad is great. You can have other veggies that are cooked as well. But eat them second. Eating the right and good stuff first will feel better, fill you up and give you body the vitamins and minerals from where they really come from….Fruit and Veg. What I know will happen as you follow this, eventually you will want more fresh and less processed and when that happens listen to your body.
#3 EAT MORE!!! Crazy but true. Now I don’t mean more McDonalds. I mean more often and more of the foods our body is designed to eat. Your body needs food at least 6 times a day. This will stimulate your metabolism which helps to lose weight and we eat smaller meals because we are snacking all day. For work make sure you pack heaps so you can eat as much as you want and don’t get tempted by unnatural foods for our body
#4 EAT MORE FAT!! Pick your jaw up off the floor. And again it doesn’t give you free rein to eat ice cream for all six meals. The high carb low fat diet has been of the saddest myths of the last thirty years and obesity has skyrocket since people have started have consuming low fat products and lots of carbohydrates like grains, rice and corn. Historically our Paleolithic nutritional intake was 30 – 45 %. Today it is 30 – 40 % but it is saturated fats. So I promised you, you didn’t have to give up anything you didn’t want to. So for now, until you are ready eat the carbs but avoid low fat products. Eat the fat it is better for you then not eating it. So the fact is our body needs fats to transport certain essential vitamins and minerals around our body. The good fats…olive oil, avocado, fats from animals that are free range or grass fed. Avoid high Omega 6 linoleic fatty acid foods or adding extra Omega 6 in our food, our food and therefore us are currently toxic is Omega 6 and deficient in Omega 3. This is happening because most of meat is now farmed, even fish and farmed meat is fed grain which makes it high in Omega 6 instead of what is should be which is Omega 3. So we are essentially getting a double hit of Omega 6 and no Omega 3
#5 EAT OMEGA 3 SUPPLEMENTS…you saw that one coming didn’t you JIf you eat the kind of diet that we are talking about here you will need very few supplements but one that you need everyday and cant get adequately for optimal health with our modern lifestyle and current farming practices is Omega 3. Now don’t rush out and buy just any Omega 3 that you can find. There are some very important things to consider when you look at your choice of Omega 3 supplements. So what are the tips you need to make about. It needs to be the right ratio of EPA to DHA and that ratio is the same one as our ancestors which is 3:2, it needs to be made from smaller fish like krill so that there is no heavy medal accumulation and it needs to before manufactured and purified properly so that is doesn’t oxidize which makes it toxic. If you have a fish oil supplement you use, you want to make sure it meets these basic criteria or it could be doing you more harm then good. We stock very few supplements in the center for the simple reason that if you are eating well you shouldn’t need them but this is one supplement I do stock so that I can make sure that you can have access to the right supplement and can be sure of its quality.
Once you get started on these if you want to learn more, speak to Mish or Jess about saving a seat at our Eat Well workshop. I would love to share more with you. Health really is and should be fun and exciting, not hard and boring.
And remember the goal is a life of health and wellness…a natural side effect of doing this is more energy, less weight, less illness, and less medication.
“Let your food be your medicine and you medicine your food” Hippocrates